Keith Waterhouse

It may be that he becomes a paragraph in histories of Sixties culture, while most of his books if not all of them, go out of print. Which would be a massive disservice to him. It's true that his novels do revel in their times, first in his native Leeds, then in London which he came to love - Fleet Street, Soho; streets, pubs and clubs; the shysters and con men, the hopeless dreamers, the feckless chancers. Yes, the world is very different now. But his books, especially the mature ones, shouldn't be neglected. For a start, they're funny. And although his humour might seem bleak at times, and his endings bittersweet, behind his sardonic observations of people's behaviour, he always saw the human side of things. He has a certain kind of sympathy even for his villains. Secondly, he experimented with the form, and this is an aspect of his writing which I feel has never been properly appreciated. In some of his later books, he does interesting things with viewpoints and perspective (see Thinks, for an obvious example). Today he'd be called very 'meta'. But they're never just writing exercises. Lastly, and most importantly, he's a wonderful crafter of the language. This also goes largely unrecognised, despite writing one of the cardinal manuals of newspaper style. Thanks to his background in journalism, his prose is all about conciseness and avoidance of verbosity, and a fantastic ear for how people talk.
Here's the full list of Keith Waterhouse novels, somewhat more accurate than what is currently available on his dismal Wikipedia page. He is my most read author, but naturally there are others whose books I've read extensively. I have wondered if I was getting too OCD with any of them; I've read all his novels, and I read Keith Waterhouse's last few novels in the order in which they were published. But I was saved from being excessively completist by discovering via Amazon that someone recently found an early unpublished novel in his archives, written back in his Leeds days. Looking into it, it seems to be a bit of a mess, and clearly he never intended it to be published. I'm happy to respect his wishes and leave it alone, and off this list.
- 1957 There is a Happy Land *
- 1959 Billy Liar
- 1963 Jubb
- 1968 The Bucket Shop
- 1975 Billy Liar on the Moon
- 1978 Office Life *
- 1981 Maggie Muggins *
- 1983 In the Mood *
- 1983 Mrs. Pooter's Diary *
- 1984 Thinks *
- 1986 The Collected Letters of a Nobody
- 1988 Our Song
- 1990 Bimbo *
- 1992 Unsweet Charity
- 1997 Good Grief
- 2001 Soho
- 2003 Palace Pier

The list doesn't cover many other published books, most of them being collections of his newspaper columns, or playscripts. But I will add for your consideration these non fiction works; a couple about the English language, and his two volumes of autobiography.
- 1989 Waterhouse on Newspaper Style
- 1991 English Our English (And How to Sing It)
- 1994 City Lights *
- 1995 Streets Ahead
My memory of many of them is too faded to offer detailed comment, but I've asterisked the ones which made an impact on me, one way or another. Some, because they were funny, others because they were sharp and full of ideas. All of them, because they were damn well written. But then, I could say that about virtually all of his books, asterisked or not. If there's any reason for people to carry on reading him, it's because he was a very, very good writer.
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