The Midnight Line, by Lee Child

A thriller. Short sentences. A page turner. A quick read - for me, a holiday novel. This is a Jack Reacher novel, the one before the latest which is I believe the 23rd. He's a modern incarnation of the medieval knight errant; he can never settle but he travels randomly from place to place and rights wrongs. Yes, the series is totally formulaic but it has to be, Reacher's fans depend on getting the same satisfying read each time. I hadn't read one of Lee Child 's books before, and only knew Reacher from one of the two Tom Cruise films. It was good enough to nudge me into choosing this book but I'll be honest, the cover's attractively deep shade of blue may have been just as instrumental. As I approached the plane some doubts flickered across my mind. 450 pages. Two weeks. I'm really not a fast reader. But those doubts washed away during the two hour flight. Even with all the usual distractions of organising my drinks and snack, I got through sixty pages...