Ghost Wall, by Sarah Moss

I finished this book hating someone. Someone who doesn't exist. Sarah Moss ' writing can do that to you, and paradoxically the hate is fiercer for the fact that the villain of Ghost Wall isn't out-and-out evil; though he's not far off it. It's 17 year old Sylvie 's Dad, who signs the family up for a summer 'camp' experiencing Iron Age life up in Northumberland, organised by a university Professor, who's brought three of his students along. Her Dad is obsessed with the life of the pre-Roman peoples of Britain, of Northern England particularly. He's often drawn the family into this, so Sylvie and her Mum have often found theselves spending their holidays trudging aong ancient pathways, or going to museums to view ancient artifacts. And once he took Sylvie with him to see one of the bog people at an exhibition; a sacrificial victim her appearance preserved by the peat, who turned out to be a young girl not unlike Sylvie herself. At this summer cam...