Coming Home, by Sue Gee

Coming Home by Sue Gee tells the life story of a family, born at the end of Britain's time in India and then making its unassuming way in the aftermath of the Second World War, sending two new lives out into the world while experiencing the fading away of the old. Many of the books I've read recently have been thought provoking and worthy of comment, and yet I haven't done so. Yet this... Maybe I shouldn't write about it, because there is so much that is personal attached to my response to it. Which I can't ignore. I have glanced at some other reactions to the book, and while it's been mostly liked, it doesn't seem to rank as highly as others of her books. Myself, I have read The Hours of the Night and loved it, it's beautifully written and left a lasting impression. I knew I'd read more by this author. Coming Home seemed a natural choice, because of its background in British India. This is one of a long list of story elements which are echoed i...