
Showing posts from August, 2024

9 - laulurastas

This is a laulurastas or song thrush , commonplace both here in the UK and in Finland, where there are around 900,000 pairs according to my lintuopas/Finnish bird book. It looks like but is a smaller bird than the mistle thrush ( kulorastas ). And their song differs, even to my ignorant ears. This is quite a bit after the fact: I took this picture back in May, on a visit to East coast Scotland. Sadly, I don't normally see or hear song thrushes around my house (nor blackbirds or anything like that), but I'm sure they're around, not too far away. But it's almost the only usable photo I've ever taken of a small bird - they tend to fly away, and if you only sport a compact camera, your career as a bird photographer is unpromising. I think it helped being out in the wilds, hence the birds not being quite so touchy about humans. The pictures I've provided in these 'bird reports' have been pretty rubbish up till now, so I didn't want to let this go unrem