The Bucket Shop, by Keith Waterhouse
It's been a gap of many years since I last read a book by Keith Waterhouse , and it took a very long time, and the invention of the internet, for me to track down The Bucket Shop . It was his fourth novel, dating from maybe not long after he left Leeds and fetched up in London. I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but it's a very used paperback, and not only features stains on many pages, but on one, what looks like a deeply embedded insect wing. I was misled by the title. I thought a 'bucket shop' - a phrase from another age - meant one of those cheap travel agencies. No, here, it's simply a junk shop. William , the central character, wanted to be an antique dealer, but doesn't know his trade, and is clueless about business basics. So, his shop sells odds and ends, mostly at a loss. His only regular 'customer' appears to be a photographer we know only as Pringle , who owes him quite a sum, for items he's rented as props for his wo...